Living in the Light
January 13, 2019 Speaker: Lee Davis Series: 1 John
Scripture: 1 John 1:5–10
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Living in the Light
I John 1:5-10
1. Fellowship with God requires:
A. Knowing and esteeming Him rightly (vs. 5).
1. I Timothy 6:11-16
B. Obeying His commands and reflecting His character (vss. 6-7).
1. Proverbs 4
2. Joshua 7
3. I Corinthians 5
C. Repenting in a posture of humility and hope (vss. 8-10).
"If we have this for a foundation truth, that there is more mercy in Christ than sin in us, there can be no danger in thorough dealing." Richard Sibbes, The Bruised Reed

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June 2, 2019
A fitting conclusion: Exhortation and Encouragement.May 26, 2019
Knowing and ReceivingMay 19, 2019
The Good News of Eternal Life