Godly and Grace-Filled Affirmation
February 10, 2019 Speaker: Rick Negley Series: 1 John
Scripture: 1 John 2:12–14
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Godly and Grace-Filled Affirmation
I John 2:12-14
1. We All Need Affirmation
A. The life of discipleship is a marathon not a sprint.
B. It requires perseverance (Acts 20:24; 1 Corinthians 9:24-25; 2 Timothy 4:7; Hebrews 12:1-2).
C. The “great cloud of witnesses” (Hebrews 12:1) testifies that Jesus is a treasure worth pursuing.
D. Affirmation has its origin in God.
1. The Father affirms the Son (Matt. 3:17; 17:5). The Son affirms His followers (Matt. 25:21, 23).
2. The Lord rejoices over His people (Zephaniah 3:17).
E. We are all called to affirm. We cannot excuse ourselves based on background or personality.
2. The Intended Audience
A. “Little children” – All hearers (2:1, 12, 28; 3:7, 18; 4:4; 5:21)
B. “Fathers” – Older but not necessarily more spiritually mature
C. “Young Men” – Younger in years not in maturity as disciples
3. The Importance of Writing
A. It preserves a record of God’s truth. It can be held and touched.
B. The Word of Life was touched (1 John 1:1).
4. Godly vs. worldly affirmation
A. Godly affirmation is true, not false or phony flattery.
1. It avoids superlatives like “best” or “most.”
B. Biblical affirmation is God-centered. (You know the Father/Him who is from the beginning.)
C. Biblical affirmation is Christ-exalting. (Your sins are forgiven for His name’s sake.)
D. Biblical affirmation is Scripture-saturated. (The Word of God abides in you.)
E. Godly affirmation builds up in Christ.
1. It is aimed at producing confidence in God and esteem of God.
F. Worldly affirmation puffs up self.
1. It is aimed at producing self-confidence and self-esteem.
G. The gospel is about us but it is primarily about God.
1. Heaven will not be “a hall of mirrors.” – John Piper
2. It will be a window overlooking the glory of God.
5. Affirmation Based on Grace vs. Works
A. Biblical affirmation is grace-reliant.
1. The truths affirmed are only possible by God’s grace.
2. Grace-filled affirmation focuses on who we are in Christ.
3. Works-based affirmation focuses on what we do or have done.
a. A “eulogy” is a “good word” (often about someone who has died).
b. The best word we can speak is about the One who died and rose again.
4. We need each other but what we need from others is more of God.
a. By God’s grace, we can strengthen another’s hand in God (1 Samuel 23:16).
5. Affirmation is essential. Life and death are at stake!
6. We must first receive before we have anything of value to give.

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