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Anointed by the Holy One, You All Have Knowledge

February 24, 2019 Speaker: Rick Negley Series: 1 John

Scripture: 1 John 2:18–27

Anointed by the Holy One, You All Have Knowledge

(1 John 2:18-27)


Bible Buzzwords and a Mentality for the Marginal

            The “last hour” (v. 18)

                        The first coming of Jesus initiated the “last days” (Hebrews 1:2).

                        All things will be consummated in Christ when He returns in power and glory.

                        There is an urgency to the truth of Jesus.

            “Antichrist” and “antichrists” (vv. 18, 22)

                        There is and always has been opposition to the truth of Jesus.


They Went out to Show That They Were Not of Us

            Not all who leave a local church have left the faith.

            But some who have left were “not of us” (v. 19).

                        We are not called to be “heresy hunters.”

                        But we must be wise and discerning.

We cannot make a final determination about another’s faith.

But we can and must inspect the present “fruit” of their lives.

            God knows and makes clear those who are His own.


The Anointing by the Holy One Gives True Knowledge

            Jesus is the Holy One who anoints with His Holy Spirit (v. 20).

            His anointing teaches you about everything (v. 27).

            You know the truth (v. 21).  No lie is of the truth.

            If you know what is true, you will not be deceived by a counterfeit.

            The liar denies that Jesus is the Christ (v. 22).

            The antichrist denies the Father and the Son.

            Who do you say that Jesus is?


Confessing the Son and Having the Father

            No one who denies the Son has the Father (v. 23).

            Whoever confesses the Son has the Father also.


Do Not Swerve from the Faith

            Let what you heard from the beginning abide in you (v. 24).

                        We didn’t hear it that way!

            It will be painful and cost you eternal life (v. 25).

            The promise of eternal life is sure because of Christ.


Do Not Fear

            He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world (1 Jn. 4:4).

            Jesus was betrayed, but He will never betray you.

            You have His full attention.