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The Obedience of Faith Is Not Burdensome

May 5, 2019 Speaker: Rick Negley Series: 1 John

Scripture: 1 John 5:1–5

The Obedience of Faith Is Not Burdensome

(1 John 5:1-5)


Life May Often Feel Burdensome

Most of us are not looking for one more thing to do.

Keeping rules can be burdensome.

Commandments are burdensome if they seem irrelevant to our life.

Commandments are burdensome if they seem opposed to our joy.

      Sin appeals to our desire for pleasure and joy.

      But the pleasures that sin offers are “fleeting” (Hebrews 11:25).

      The joy and pleasures that God gives are full and forever (Psalm 16:11).

Jesus offers rest to those who are overburdened (Matthew 11:28-30).


Obedience Is Not Optional

Obedience is the measure of love (John 14:15).

The commandments of God are precisely that, not merely suggestions.

Objection: Salvation is through faith alone not works (Ephesians 2:8).

The faith that saves is never alone! It produces fruit—the obedience of faith (Romans 1:5; 16:26).

Life is short and eternity is long.  This is an urgent issue.


Superficial Obedience Is Not Pleasing to God

Overt obedience; covert rebellion – It is possible to obey a rule without a change of heart.

Cheerless Chore; Dutiful Drudgery


Heart Obedience Is Not Possible apart from Christ

This kind of obedience flows from a changed heart.

Let the Great Physician do a heart transplant (flesh vs. stone).

Cheerful and immediate; God doesn’t count to 3 or 10!

Not perfect, but growing obedience (direction vs. perfection)

Cherished Challenge; Daily Delight

I desire to do Your will (Psalm 40:7-8; Hebrews 10:5-7).


The Perfect Obedience of Christ

Active:                   Throughout His perfect life He fulfilled righteousness.

Passive:     Supremely in His sacrificial death He paid for sin.

“Jesus lived the life we should have lived,

and died the death we should have died!” – Tim Keller


The Obedience of Faith that Overcomes the World

We must see God’s commandments as the Doctor’s prescription for our good.

      We are only doing it for our own good!

Disobedience is always due to unbelief or a lack of faith.

Faith looks like something, namely obedience.  We will obey if we believe it is best for us.

Trust the Great Physician and follow by faith for the glory of God and for your eternal joy.