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Having Hearts That Are Encouraged

November 3, 2019 Speaker: Rick Negley Series: Colossians

Scripture: Colossians 2:1–3

Having Hearts That Are Encouraged

(Colossians 2:1-3)



  1. The Ultimate Goal

            The focus of this text is Jesus Christ, who is God’s mystery.

                        In Him are stored all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

                        God desires that we would treasure Christ supremely.

                        That we would know Christ personally and experientially

                        This mystery was concealed but now has been revealed.

                                    Jesus Christ is God in the flesh.

                                    He has come into the world to rescue lost sinners.

                                    He has come to reconcile us to God and to each other.

                                    He did this by living, dying and rising again.

            Jesus must be the centerpiece and focal point of our lives.

                        He is not merely an occasional “blip” on the radar screen.

            Christ must be the Cornerstone and Foundation of our lives.

            Jesus is all-wise and knows perfectly the past, present and future.


  1. The Intermediate Goals

            How do we get there from here?

            Full assurance of understanding

                        God intends that we would hold fast to the truth about God.

                                    Who God is and how God is

                                                The Lordis righteous in all his ways (Psalm 145:17).

All His works are right and ways are just (Dan. 4:37).

            God desires for us to have hearts that are encouraged.

                        We need each other but what we need is more of God.

                                    Jonathan strengthened David’s hand in God (1 Sam. 23:16).

Knowing that God’s servant is struggling on your behalf (2:1)

Jesus is praying for you (Hebrews 7:25; cf. Luke 22:32).


  1. The Means to the Goals

By being knit together in love with the saints

                        Without the encouragement of others we are tempted to quit.

                        We must be committed to loving and forgiving relationships.

            Spiritual growth is stunted when we neglect such relationships.

            Joints that are not knit together are useless and even painful (2:19).

            Will you give yourself to being knit together in love?