Growth That Is from God
January 12, 2020 Speaker: Rick Negley Series: Colossians
Scripture: Colossians 2:16–19
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Growth That Is from God
(Colossians 2:16-19)
When we know who God is and what God has done,
Who we are to be and what we are to do is made clear.
1. God Has Promised Church Growth
Jesus proclaimed this: “I will build my church” (Matthew 16:18).
The early church experienced this (Acts 2:47; 4:4).
There is a false growth and the growth that is from God.
God intends for us to grow individually (Colossians 1:28).
God intends for us to grow corporately.
Deeper in our dependence on Christ
Deeper in our relationship with others
Wider in our concern for the world
2. God Gives Warnings to Protect the Church
These commands are based on what Christ has done (vv. 13-15).
Because God made us alive in Christ…
Because we were freed from self-righteousness and shame…
Because our debt was cancelled and nailed to the cross…
Because Jesus triumphed over the rulers and authorities…
Let no one pass judgment on you (v. 16).
The judgment that we deserved fell on Jesus.
Let no one disqualify you (v. 18).
Jesus was “disqualified” that we might be accepted.
There are threats to the health and growth of the church.
Shadows: Food and Drink; Festivals, New Moons, Sabbaths
The Substance belongs to Christ (v. 17).
Substitutes: Asceticism; Worship of Angels; Visions
The Source is Jesus, who is the Head (v. 19).
If we are to resist being judged this way, we are also to refrain.
3. God Gives Nourishment to Enable the Church to Grow
Let us hold fast to the Head from whom the body grows (John 15).
Come partake of the Bread of Life and drink of the Living Water.
Let us pursue Jesus by faith, feasting and fixing our eyes on Him.
As joints and ligaments, we are being knit together (1 Cor. 12).
Satisfied in Christ, we are enabled to love others.
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