Welcome! We would love to have you join us on Sundays at 10:30 am. If you cannot join us in person, you can join in on our YouTube Channel for our livestream. We would love to meet you soon!


Berlin's Core Values

These core values represent what we see Scripture pointing to as the governing principles by which we are to order our church and our lives. While other elements of Christianity and Biblical revelation are important, we see these as the guideposts by which we can be a people which honor our Lord. These core values are, purposefully and happily, mutually dependent upon one another.

We value...

The Glory of God in Christ

This is no cliché. We have been created for His glory and are to seek to proclaim His incomparable greatness with our lips and our actions.  Jesus Christ is the one around whom all of human history revolves. He is our Savior, worthy of our love and worship, and our King, worthy of our obedience.

The Gospel

The Gospel is God’s message of renewal to His favor as we are pardoned by the blood of Jesus Christ who took our place of judgment. Through the Gospel we are changed daily into the image of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.


Jesus Christ has left us with the task of sharing His Gospel with others so that they might believe in Him as Savior and submit to Him as Lord. We are to carefully help others to walk with Christ so that they might, in turn, help others to do the same.

Grace-filled Community

We are weak and prone to sin. Knowing this, God has ordained that we fellowship together as people aware of their needs for mutual love, assistance, and encouragement. If we are to bring glory to our Lord through the pursuits of these core values we must rely upon His abundant and available grace. As we learn to rely upon His grace we will be better able to help others to do the same, thereby creating an atmosphere permeated always by grace.