We spend time each week helping people learn to follow Christ. We call this discipleship. While all ministry, ultimately, is to result in helping Christ's followers to mature, these relationships are designed to facilitate attention to the needs of the invidual that is just getting started as a Christian or that has realized their need for help to purposefully pursue Christ. Time is spent helping the individual to personally study the Scriptures, to develop a pattern of prayer with God, and to learn to glorify God in practical, daily worship.
Sometimes there is a need for more specialized discipleship. Some might call this counseling, but we prefer to think of it as just another level of discipleship. This can range from anything from premarital counseling that will help a new couple start off on the right track in their marriage to substance abuse or serious marital problems. We believe that the Scriptures speak to all of our troubles and are our guide in helping people learn how to glorify God in every area of life.