"The Word of Life Embraced Brings Joy”
January 6, 2019 Speaker: Rick Negley Series: 1 John
Scripture: 1 John 1:1–4
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"The Word of Life Embraced Brings Joy”
I John 1:1-4
1. This is the Testimony of an Eyewitness of Jesus
A. To know someone involves seeing and hearing and touching (v. I).
B. How do you know when you know someone?
C. Some may suggest that one only seems or appears a certain way.
D. The ancient heresy of Docetism (Nicea, 325 AD) is present today.
E. This letter does not name the author.
F. But similarities with John's gospel point to John.
G. This is one who shared life with the One Who is life (v. 2).
2. Three Themes in This Letter
A. The Eternal Word Who is life took on human flesh.
1. Jesus is central in all of Scripture and in this letter.
2. We could not climb up to God so God came down to us.
B. The Vertical Dimension of Love Knowing.
1. God's love in Christ, we are enabled to love God.
2. This love is seen in "the obedience of faith" (Rom. 1 :5; 16:26).
C. The Horizontal Dimension of Love.
1. Those who have come to know God's love will love others.
2. Healthy and godly relationships flow from knowing Christ.
3. The Word Who Was in the Beginning Took on Flesh.
A. Jesus is fully God and fully human.
1. He had to be fully God to forgive sin.
2. He had to be fully human to pay the price for human sin.
B. Jesus lived and died and rose again to rescue us from sin and death.
C. In Christ, we can have fellowship and communion with God (v. 3).
1. Who do you say that Jesus is?
4. Embracing the Word of Life by Faith Brings Joy.
A. When Jesus is our Treasure, we rejoice when others treasure Him.
1. Joy is increased when it is shared (v. 4).
B. Evangelism is one beggar telling another where to find bread.
C. It is not wrong to seek our joy in the eternal good and joy of others.
1. There is no boasting if we do something for our own good.
2. Pride is put to death and we are free to love with abandon.

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