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Longing for a Righteous Ruler

December 1, 2019 Speaker: Rick Negley Series: Advent

Scripture: Genesis 49:8–12

Jesus: Joy of Every Longing Heart

Part 1 – “Longing for a Righteous Ruler”

(Genesis 49:8-12)



  1. What is righteousness?

Righteousness is faithfulness to the demands of a relationship.

                        This is not merely negative (what I didn’t do).

                        This is also positive (always acting in love to God and others).

                        “She is more righteous than I” (Genesis 38:26).

                        “You are more righteous than I” (1 Samuel 24:17).

            God promised to raise up a righteous King (Jeremiah 23:5).


  1. The Lasting Worth of Last Words

            Jacob summoned his strength and sat up in bed (Genesis 48:2).

            Lean in and listen!


  1. Blessings and Benedictions

            To declare over another God’s intended destiny (Genesis 49:1)

                        Judah = Praise (v. 8).  Yet Judah had a “checkered” past.

God worked to redeem him and his family line (Matt. 1:3).

                        The Lion of the tribe of Judah (v. 9; Revelation 5:5)

                        He stooped down (v. 9; Philippians 2:5-11).

                        The scepter and the staff show who reigns as King (v. 10)

                                    The subjects of this King from all nations obey willingly.

                        A ride on a donkey and garments stained with blood (v. 11)

                                    This King humbled Himself and paid for His subjects’ sin.

                        The sorrow of dark eyes (v. 12)

                                    There is no sorrow like His sorrow (Lamentations 1:12).

A mouth that is pure – filled with grace and truth (John 1:14)

                        This King does not depend on the “vote” of the people.

                        Yet all people must one day give an account before Him.


  1. Responding to Revelation

You can trust this King.  He fulfills every promise of God.

This King is worthy of your worship.

He came not to be served but to serve and give His life.

This King will meet all your deepest needs.

He loves to give good gifts to His subjects.

      Don’t settle for a substitute or counterfeit.

Submit to this King in trust and obedience.


More in Advent

December 24, 2019

When the Fullness of Time Had Come

December 22, 2019

Longing for Restoration

December 15, 2019

Longing for Light in the Darkness